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Amazing Moms Book

Mother’s Day is soon approaching, so chances are that you’ll find yourself sporting a macaroni necklace & eating burnt toast made with childlish love as you attempt to nurse a wilting school-plant-sale geranium back to life.

Or, maybe you’ll be spending your Mother’s Day up early on the sidelines of a peewee soccer game, because let’s face it- even on Mother’s Day, the majority of us still end up putting our beloved babies first. If you’re anything like me, even though you truly appreciate the sentimental gifts & efforts, what you’d really like is a day off, recovering from the other 364 days of gritty motherhood effort, no?


Motherhood requires almost every ounce of energy, patience, love, & discipline that we have, & it’s definitely the hardest job I’ve ever loved. We often question ourselves, doubt ourselves, & worry constantly if we’re doing a “good enough” job.

Do you ever stop & think about just how many things you handle in a single day for your family?? How often you multi-task, balance all of the spinning plates, stress about not getting it all done, but yet somehow… still get it all done.

In the spirit of celebrating motherhood, I’m happy to tell you about a fantastic book that does just that:

Amazing Moms: Parents of the 21st Century

by authors Hogan Hilling & Dr. Elise Cohen Ho


Amazing Moms is a beautiful, photo-filled coffee table book featuring 115 moms- sharing snippets of their lives, their families, their inspiration, & their successes. I’m honored to be one of those moms!

Now before you assume that is a braggy mom book, let me set you straight. While it celebrates moms, it’s not about putting a glossy finish on motherhood- there’s no illusion about trying to make it look EASY. But authors Hilling and Cohen wanted to celebrate motherhood- emphasizing why it’s crucial, what’s tough about it, what’s going right. 


Who’s In It?

The cool part is, the moms featured were culled from a wide range of families: single moms, divorced moms, married moms. Moms with one child. Moms with a bajillion children (Hi! Me, among others). Working moms, stay-at-home moms, older moms, younger moms. Moms in prison.


Why do I love that? 

Because motherhood is not something that can be precisely defined & categorized. There’s obviously not one single prescribed method to mothering our children, and too often we find ourselves comparing our “performance” as a mom to that of our friends, our neighbors, or our social media contacts.

Moms deserve more credit (dads, too, but they’ve got their own book! Amazing Dads), for the countless everyday things they do for their families. It’s not easy, & I love that the authors are trying to encourage

Author Info:

Amazing Moms is the brainchild of authors Hogan Hilling and Dr. Elise Cohen Ho, both of whom have been working tirelessly in their efforts to promote the positive aspects of parenting in our times. Here’s a snippet of info on both of them:


Amazing Moms is officially released on Sunday, May 13 (Mother’s Day; quite appropriate, no?), but you can also pre-order it on Amazon by clicking the cover image below:

So this Sunday, be sure to acknowledge your mom for giving you life (and most likely, keeping you alive!), enjoy your own Mother’s Day if you are blessed to be a mama, and order a copy of Amazing Moms: Parents of the 21st Century today!

&copy Copyright 2018 Six Pack Mom, All rights Reserved. Written For: Six Pack Mom
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