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The Hot Mess Of A Typical School Year Summed Up In 25 Tweets

I know that in some areas the new school year has already begun, but here in New York, we still have three weeks of summer left.

Free time is dwindling, & I’m getting angsty about getting back into the swing of it.

Even the school supplies. While I LOVE me all sorts of new office & school supplies, it’s the procuring of said items that gets a little intense.

While I’m happy to send in what’s needed, I’m less happy about the going-out-to-buy-the-things part.

JUMBO glue sticks? How about twice as many large ones? Because I’m willing to buy 2x as many of the ones I can find than continue hunting for the elusive jumbo.

Anyways, prepping for the new school year got me thinking about the new school year. And that got me thinking about what a roller coaster ride the school year is -for us here, anyway.

And THAT got me searching on Twitter to check out how many times I complained detailed the trials & tribulations that make up an academic year.


1. Organization is key, and I can’t find my keys.

2. I start prepping them early about being on time, but… BAHAHA!

3. So I prepare for the new school year, in my own special way…

4. Doing a dry run of the average school morning; yup, that’s about right.

5. Then the reality hits me- school days start early. I mean, EARLY.

6. I’m usually all set to take those “First Day of School” pics- oh, wait. Oops.

7. The second day of school is a rude awakening- LITERALLY.

8. Let’s not even get into trying to help the kids with their math homework.

9. No, seriously- the MATH. I can’t even.

10. I DO support school spirit, though. Especially the loud, embarrassing kind.

11. At least you can get stuff done during the day- oh, wait. Never mind.

12. There are the awesome moms who set the bar nice & high…

13. … and then there’s ME.

14. No matter how much I try having things ready, something’s missing. Always.

15. Each year brings many calls from the school nurse. She keeps finding me.

16. Because GERMS.

17. The school breaks always seem to pop up without warning.

18. So do the snow days.

19. How about those special dress-up days?

20. Or the high-maintenance class project that’s due… TOMORROW.

21. Kids playing instruments can be music to your ears… or not so much.

22. Then there are the concerts. So many concerts.

23. If I had a nickel for every forgotten item, I could pay someone to bring them.

24. It feels like the flood of papers never ends.

25. And by the time June hits, so done. So DONE.


There are many joyous moments to be had, but the school year also requires an intense, crazy pace.

I start to count the days left in the year, eager for summer. At least, at first I do. But the reality of all summer off together brings an entirely different type of stress:





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