With six kids ages ten and under, bedtime blows. Seriously. Maybe because it’s summer. Probably also because The Captain works a lot of nights, too, so I’m flying solo on the bedtime routine. As much as I adore my babies- and I truly do- after an entire day of doing the single parent thing, I’m over them. This is what happens, daily.
Like this. Only more so.
1. Denial: It’ll be fine.
The baby’s sleeping now, so I have time to tuck the two little girls with a story first. But maybe I even have time to <insert fun, non-kid activity here. Like sitting down.> for myself since it’s still early. Maybe I’ll have them all in by, say, 8:30. Maybe I’ll get some downtime AND get to shower. That’d be awesome… let’s DO IT!
2. Anger: Dammit. I’ve had enough.
I’ve had ENOUGH. Why is the toddler naked?? Crap. It’s already 7:15? Why are they still walking around? WHAT THE F*?? WHY are they still walking around??
To the kids: “Get your pajamas on. No, YOUR pajamas. NO. No more dinner. Don’t tell me that NOW you want to eat your dinner. Why is she naked??? Did anyone see where she left her diaper? No one saw this?? Is that pee on the floor?? Sonova…!
3. Bargaining: Please God. Just let me get through this.
I…just… want… to… get… to my own bed. If I can get this done in an hour, I’ll go right to bed. Don’t even care. PUH-LEASE…)
To the kids: “PLEASE get into bed. If you stop throwing books, I’ll read one. I’ll read half of one more story. Just half, though. Ok, the whole thing. Fine. Sleep ON the covers instead of under them. Just GO TO BED. First one asleep gets to eat a cookie with breakfast. I’ll buy you a friggin’ cake…”
4. Depression: I don’t even care when they fall asleep.
Because I’m so damn tired, I’m not even gonna get to <insert fun, non-kid related activity here> anyway. I NEVER get to do fun stuff. Is that toothpaste on the wall? Why am I cleaning toothpaste off the wall every day? Who DOES that?? *sigh* *whine* (look at cry-face in the mirror).
5. Acceptance: Ok, so it’s 9:45 instead of 8:30.
Toddler girls are so deliciously sweet when they’re sleeping… like, bite-their-tiny-faces-cute. Love how my son insists on his daily hug and kiss before bed, and can’t fall sleep without it. Get a kick out of the lame excuses the two older girls give to come crash on my bed and hang with me until The Captain gets home.
10:22- I can totally do that again, and BETTER, tomorrow. Totally. Love this!
Love those babies! I got to shower! My bed feels awesome! (turn off light)
10:24- Baby cries. “SONOVA…!”
© Copyright Six Pack Mom, All rights Reserved. Written For: SPM Writes
Dude what in the hell is with the toothpaste? For real – I find it places with an 11 and a 9 year old, just stuck there, nobody did it of course or know how it got there, ever. I’m almost convinced we have a ghost sometimes.And? I’m really glad the whole pee situation is over – but the nakedness still continues!