I feel grateful for the opportunity to share my life and my random musings with you.
1. Copyright: I love writing, and I love sharing my ramblings with my readers. I promise that the written content published here on my blog is 100% my own, unless otherwise specifically indicated (The Captain, guest bloggers, etc.).
Because my blog is precious to me, I’m the legal copyright holder of all written content on this site. If you like it enough to want to reprint or publish any parts, simply contact me for permission.
To simplify it: “Swiper, no swiping!”
2. Reserve Rights: I have so many various topics rattling around in this head of mine. Therefore, I reserve the right to modify my blog’s visual appearance, content, or topics at any point.
I might even sell it, make some sweet cash, and buy a small island with the profits (or at least buy some coffee).
The point is, the site’s format can be modified at my own discretion.
3. PR (Product Review): Sometimes I share a particular site or brand that I genuinely enjoy, WITHOUT financial compensation. In those cases, it’s just because I like it. Period.
But in the interests of honesty & full disclosure, if I am paid to review ANY product, service, I will:
a. Specifically state that I am being compensated for doing so.
b. Provide my HONEST opinion of the product, service, site, etc. I have no desire to mislead my readers!
4. Statement of Privacy: The Internet can get creepy, & it’s daunting to put your personal information out there.
But have no fear, trusty readers. Any personal information that you share via this site (email, IP address, etc.) will NEVER be shared in any way.
5. Advertising/PR: If you’re interested in advertising on my site or would like to collaborate in some way, please feel free to contact me via my email below to request my media kit and fee listings.
sixpack (at)