#3’s 13th birthday has come & gone, which now brings our house’s teenage total to THREE. We have some limited experience with teenagers because 3’s older sisters are now 16 and 15, but since 3 is also our oldest boy, this is a fairly new road for us.
This year has already brought about changes that seemingly appeared overnight. #3 transformed from a gangly stick of a boy whose voice I’d mistake for his sister’s on the phone to a MAN.
Seriously- puberty, y’all.
The voice deepened, the daily showers, the newfound love for wrestling and all things warrior-like, and the hesitation in my husband’s step when #3 wanted to play-wrestle, because he now has the potential to kick some ass.
But his birthday was a hilariously beautiful reminder to me that regardless of age, some things will never change. Scratch a man and you’ll find a boy… or a T-Rex. Apparently.
As far as gifts, the boy requested many typical teen dude stuff: Wii games, Nerf guns, iPhone accessories, and the like.
But one item he picked gave me pause: an inflatable T-rex costume.
Well, color me intrigued, my man! I was surprised, because he’s been gravitating toward more mature stuff, but maybe I shouldn’t have been. Maybe it’s a family thing?
15y.o: “Mom, I’d seriously kill you if you showed up at school in a T-rex costume.”
Me: “Got it.”
*googles “where to buy T-rex costume near me”*
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) November 19, 2017
Did I end up doing this? No…. not YET.
Husband: “Happy Mother’s Day! I got you a-“
Me: “-an inflatable T-Rex costume??!”
Husband: “-bouquet of flowers.”
Me: pic.twitter.com/sGmcwrFbCM
— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) May 13, 2018
It’s like he doesn’t even know me…
Husband: "What did you & the kids do today?"
Me: "Oh… nothing…" pic.twitter.com/4w2mmsobiE— Stephanie Ortiz (@Six_Pack_Mom) August 10, 2017
I’m not even joking when I say that if I had my way, my ENTIRE FAMILY would have these costumes.
Well, except my husband, because he prefers being a sane, responsible adult. Booooring….
As I said, maybe it’s a family thing, because when I told my mother about it, she INSISTED on buying him one as his birthday gift.
And was so.damn.excited!
Mom hosted family over her house to celebrate. I’ve mentioned in previous posts how crazy my family is; the T-rex purchase had been shared with my brother & sister.
I’m not sure who was more excited about it- the birthday boy or his nutty aunt & uncle (ok. And his nutty mom).
The gift was handed over, #3 was thrilled, and he ran into the bedroom to put it on immediately.
(sorry for the vertical video; not my doing! How very early 2000s of my family member… you know who you are)
I’m not sure exactly what it is about an inflatable T-rex costume that made us all so damn giddy, but it DID.
Seven adults, 12 kids, and a T-rex all spilled out of the house and into the dark street, because the screaming chaos was not to be contained in the house.
Oh no- we wanted EVERYONE in the neighborhood to experience #3’s fun new gift. Apparently.
And please note: it was the birthday boy’s uncle -my 41 year old brother- that suggested he run down the street screaming with his T-rex nephew chasing him, on camera, of course.
We were HYSTERICAL. I’m not sure if the neighbors were equally amused…
Even the kids got into it. I mean, really, REALLY into it. All the way around the block.
We had a blast that night- being way too loud and laughing way too much. And my mom warning that she might wet her pants- you KNOW it’s been a good laugh when there’s the threat of urine looming.
It was the gift that kept on giving- to all of us.
But the best part was the sheer joy that #3 radiated as he ran and chased. It was fun for him, but a big chunk of that fun was how much joy the costume was giving to the people around him.
Because regardless of his age, his heart is still the same loving, fun, kind one it’s been since he was little.
I’m glad that he can find fun in simple, silly ways, and spreads that infectious joy to others. It’s a quality more adults could benefit from in the stress of day-to-day life.
I hope that no matter how old he is, my boy will retain the quirky, fun sense of humor that he has now.
(Though if he’s anything like me & my family, that trait will surely follow him well into adulthood!)
As for the costume: it definitely wasn’t a one-time thing.
In fact, he and his best friend are fixtures in our neighborhood now, making short films of them…. “entertaining” our neighbors.
That silly inflatable costume has a way of making people stop and smile, almost every single time.
There are many qualities I love about my boy, but one of my very favorite things is how much he enjoys bringing joy to others. And how good he is at it.
If there was any doubt that he’s my son, well, this amusing bit of goofiness will confirm that, yup- he’s definitely mine, & the force is strong in this one.
© Copyright Six Pack Mom, All rights Reserved. Written For: SPM Writes
I am sure that it was so funny and exciting day. Wish you all for this kind of happiness in entire life.
Thanks so much, Melissa!
You are most welcome!!