“Quality time”- I know that I talked about family time in my last post, so you’re probably thinking,
“AGAIN with the quality time??”.
Confession: One of my concerns in having a big family was that none of my kids would feel like they were lost in the shuffle. I would never want any of them to feel like I didn’t invest time alone with him or her, and to tell Dr. Drew how their mom didn’t care.
(Why Dr. Drew? Because GOALS, people. If my kids end up emotionally crippled adults, I’m aiming for the best in televised counseling. GOALS.)
But life has a way of keeping you busy, & sometimes you feel like you’re letting too many days slip past just getting things done instead of connecting with the people you’re getting those very things done for.
The other night I had to make a spontaneous late-night trip to Target. I had to pick up a birthday item for a family member.
(Riiiight. Like anyone says they’re going to Target for ONE single item, & actually only buys ONE single item.)
In the midst of a busy weekend, I planned to take the Target trip solo. I’d put in my earbuds, fawn over Target’s housewares, & chill out alone as I debated just what in my cart was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY vs. Target-induced buying hysteria.
That was the plan… until #2 piped up, “Can I come with you??”
Hmm. Now, there’s certainly nothing wrong with needing some “me” time, & nothing wrong with just saying “no.”
But I didn’t. I said YES.
(And in retrospect, I’m so glad I did.)
I entered the store with the determination to pick up exactly what was needed, & to flee the store in less than one hour of time & less than $60 of impulse Target purchases.
We picked up the needed gift & began to head to the checkout. As we crossed through Housewares, #2 spied a collection of letters & began laughing.
In a hurry to leave, I was reluctant to look. But she dragged me into the aisle, & we began cackling as we spied someone’s handiwork…
We paused to study it. “Send… nudest?“
A fellow customer helpfully offered, “I think it’s send NUDES.”
When it’s 11:15pm & you’re punch-drunk tired & out with your goofiest kid, what may not otherwise seem funny in the rational light of day becomes hilarious. We both started giggling; the exhaustion evaporated & was replaced by sheer lunacy.
You know how you may stop in a Target location for a specific item, only to be lured away to an entirely different section, simply because the possibilities are endless??
(Note: And in keeping with my tendency to draw out the crazy in others, as I walked through the shoe area, a Target employee shouted, “Whoo, girl, love your shoes! Rock ’em!”. He also mysteriously reappeared in another section minutes later, which makes me think he’s either my personal Target fairy-godfather or just really, really into his job.)
#2 & I wandered the store a bit, reading funny cards out loud. And flipping out over the prices..
$5.99 for a CARD? That’s not a card, it’s a GIFT. And at $5.99 your card IS your gift.
We then spotted the Target dog. Is this a thing? When did this become a thing?? Target’s canine mascot is available for photo shoots, apparently, & we took him up on the offer.
But because #2 is quirky & fun, the generic Target dog would not do…
(NOTE: At this point, my Target employee/fairy godfather suddenly reappeared, claiming that he always photo-bombs people taking pics with the Target dog. Well, no dice, my dear Target fairy-godfather. But he tried. Oh, he TRIED.)
We dawdled through the boy’s section, where #2 made a friend.
I’m sorry to report, however, that Mr. Target Fairy-Godfather was NOT the winner of the night’s biggest oddity. No, the prize was won by the lady that we spotted lounging in the women’s section.
And by lounging, I mean, LOUNGING.
Wishing she & my Target fairy godfather a lifetime of happiness together… registered at Target. Of course.
Thanks to the fun company of #2, I not only left Target in greater spirits than when I arrived, but also with considerably more money.
Distracted by our shenanigans, we left there with just the gift we’d come to buy, and: two bottles of soda…
Coke & Pepsi, for a taste test. Because #2 had the audacity to swear that they tasted the same, & I needed to set her STRAIGHT with a blind taste test.
(Coke won. Of course. Don’t even TRY it, Pepsi people.)
These pictures were not taken for the sake of a blog post. I’m glad we took them as a record of our fun, & #2 gave me permission to share them with you to make a point.
Out simple Target outing reminded me that quality time is not necessarily about WHERE you go, as much as it is about WHO you’re with. A simple errand evolved into a fun time for me & my daughter simply b/c I chose to be in the moment with her.
“Wherever you go, there you are.”
Celebrate the simple moments.
Make memories in the everyday.
(And take pictures.)
© Copyright Six Pack Mom, All rights Reserved. Written For: SPM Writes
Love this and it’s the kind of experience I live for – funny, quirky, weird, strange adventures. I tend to document stuff like this, too — sure, for the blog but also because I want to remember this stuff in life. What an eventful Target visit! (Also, LOL at “send nudes”)